I'm just Super Saiyan

No one tells me anything, just saiyan…




I know this is not something that people would consider evil. But it is.

According to dictionary type folks, evil is being morally bad, causing injury or harm to someone, or marked by bad luck or events.

Photobucket has harmed me…by fucking with my hobby. Well, fuck you photobucket.

I’ve been on my feet, running around at work, I come home, and behold – no pictures on my blog! I work night-shift tonight…so I don’t have time to get mad at photobucket.

When someone gives you evil lemons, throw that shit out cause that lemonade is gonna be hella bad luck. Instead, find some solutions to your lemonade problem, like…FLICKR.

Yep, so, bare (or bear) with me as I switch over to the picture beast known as Flickr. Some pictures may not be fully visible at the moment…I want you to just pretend its the funniest picture you’ve ever seen in you life. Lean back in your chair, laugh your ass off, tip your hat to your computer screen, and go about your internet browsing.

I will slave away fixing this issue…slowly. Mostly cause it sounds like work. And I’m not into working right now…like…for my hobby…cause I’m already doing that in the reals.

– SSM.


My first time doing “public speaking”

I‘ve been prompted to discuss my first time doing something. Immediately what came to mind was my first time doing public speaking.

When I was a little kid I was beyond shy. I like invented shy. If you weren’t a family member of mine, I’d be the quietest child you had ever met. I’m not sure why I was like this, but my shyness often took a back seat to my urinary tract.

Anytime we would be doing an activity in class I’d go about my business until I had to do my business – get what I’m saying? I had no problem approaching my teachers one-on-one to let them know that things were stirring down below. I’d be excused to go to the bathroom and come back and it was no big deal.

But one day, in the middle of some lecture the teacher was giving, the urge to use the bathroom hit me like a sack of bricks to the face. It was so sudden that, without thinking, I jumped up from my seat and raised my hand.

At this point, I am more aware of my bladder than I am of what I’m doing. I know that asking to go to the bathroom (the whole “May I” instead of “Can I” question correction thing was so annoying, you remember that?) was a question; and when you asked questions you had to raise your hand.

Continue reading


The Blog Infomercial

Hey there folks,

Are you tired of going through the internet and seeing well-written, grammatically correct blogs that inspire you to live your life to the fullest?

Are you tired of scrolling down the list of websites that you know put out meaningful content everyday?

On the slight chance that you are tired of that stuff, we have just the thing for you!

It’s called the I’m Just Super Saiyan blog!

It’s a blog that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense and throws random pictures at you in an attempt to keep you so confused that you come back to read more!

I’m Just Super Saiyan is a blog so obscure and sarcastic that you’ll worry that the author is actually a bear-shark. And we’re here to tell you that she really is.

Mild-mannered college student Super Saiyan M, is actually Paprika – the bear-shark.

Paprika wants you to know that she strives to give you blogging content that’s slightly above average, she works in her water cave designing all the artwork using only her two fin-claws.

Paprika is 100% made in America and guaranteed to be make no sense.

Paprika is a terrible cook, hates cleaning, and sleeps the majority of the day!

When you put Paprika in front of a computer and give her food, she’ll share with you her writing secrets. Like, “don’t proof read” and “what’s an Oxford comma?”

If you follow I’m Just Super Saiyan right now, you’ll recieve not 1, not 2 but 3 Paprikas for your home or office!

You can have your very own Paprika sitting next to you and your computer! She’ll take you on a magically procrastination adventure on the internet, guaranteed to last longer than ten minutes.

Got a blog of your own but can’t seem to come up with anything to post? She’ll use fear to motivate you to blog! Blogging has never been easier! If you feed Paprika regularly, you’ll probably even get to keep your fingers so you can keep typing!

Paprika may even let you watch her write a blog post for the I’m Just Super Saiyan blog, if she decides to write that day! 40% of the time, she blogs every time!

But that’s not all!

Follow in the next fifteen minutes and you’ll get a free one of a kind wizard! (Shipping and handling not included, wizard does not possess actual magical powers. Wizards are only available in 7 states, two of which we think are on the fence about it.)

The I’m Just Super Saiyan Blog!

What are you waiting for? Buy Follow now!

(I’m Just Super Saiyan blog is subject to change depending on availability. Multiple Paprika offer is done through cloning methods and is possibly also illegal. Our company claims immunity of fees, fines or legal monetary charges for the following conditions: if a Paprika escapes and terrorizes your community, if Paprika bites your fingers off, if Paprika decides to use your domain as a cat zoo, if Paprika floods your car to create a personal jacuzzi. When ordering a Paprika, you are voluntarily agreeing to helping pay her student loan debt. She is also asking for nightly back scratching sessions and Netflix on demand. Does not work well with children or on group projects.)

(Wizards and bear-sharks are natural enemies, do not place your free wizard and Paprika in the same room, home, or city.)

Follow my blog with Bloglovin


There can only be one.

When I made this blog, I did it out of boredom and because I thought it would be fun. Surprise, surprise, all of that jazz is true. But do you know what happens when I don’t take things seriously at first? I name things after cartoons.

So here I am, enjoying the blogosphere, as a Super Saiyan.

Normally, I think this is the kind of name people dream of. To be super saiyans, I mean. But in my case, I don’t want my entire theme to be based on one of my cartoon loves. I have a lot of cartoon loves. And I have commitment issues. So sticking to something that only has context with one thing has started to really bother me. No matter how awesome the pun is.

That brings me to now, where I have made the decision to try and create a more generalized blog name. This is no easy task. I had to prepare myself for this, and brace myself against the harsh winds of treacherous creativity. Leap onto the great rock of change and assert my dominance. The destiny of this blog awaits my decision, I plan to take this feat full on.

I guess I’ve never drawn myself with glasses, but I do have them, they’re blue.

The problem with getting into the blogging game now, in 2013, is that people have already selected all the cool names. They had years and years to brainstorm and call dibs on high-quality verbiage. So, they had the advantage. I have to come up with something even MORE creative than those who came before me. Since I’m clearly not the best at naming things, I decided to ask my more creative friends for suggestions. But their suggestions were more on the inappropriate side. I think I talked the most about this to Naty Cakes, where we devised a list of possibilities; yet none immediately grabbed me as “the one”. Throughout our brainstorming session, there was one word that kept popping up…

This conversation actually took place. I love Naty Cakes <3

As cute as the word poop is, I will not be incorporating it into my blog name. So I guess that limits the pool of possibilities.

I went over a few options some more…and decided that I was undecided. There just didn’t seem to be one that jumped off the page at me. Naty Cakes told me sleep on it, marinate in it, meditate about it and that eventually the right name would come to me.

But I am impatient, and when I think of marinating in things I get hungry.

So after I ate, I had to face the truth…This name dilemma was not getting any closer to a resolution.

I kinda got discouraged that I would even be able to find a name that adequately described me and my blog of randomness. I pondered how the greats did it. How did George Orwell come up with 1984 or Animal Farm? How did Kurt Vonnegut conjure up Slaughterhouse Five? Hell, Steven King just came out with Doctor Sleep – which sounds DOCTOR AWESOME! How did Chuck Palahniuk come up with Fight Club or Lullaby or Choke or Invisible Monsters – damn it, Palahniuk came up with some bad ass titles. I need whatever creative juices he’s drinking…

No one beats George R. R. Martin – A Song of Ice and Fire, how epic is that? Oh, wait for it: Game of Thrones, A Clash of Kings, A Dance with Dragons, A Storm of Swords!!! (Thank you Kim)

Of course, those are all far more serious in tone than my blog.

Maybe my inspiration should be more lax.  Like Kyle Humphrey and Graydon Sheppard’s Sh*t Girls Say or Douglas Adam’s Hitchhiker’s  Guide to the Galaxy – I like that title. Even better, John Dies at the End – what a bad ass title, pure genius on the part of Jason Pargin.

Or maybe blogs shouldn’t be named like books. I mean some blogs are like books, they stick to one subject or genre. Others are all over the place. Exhibit A, my blog.

Marry, of Viver Para Contar, wrote a great post about what her blog name means and how personal it is.  Why can’t I have that? Why can’t my blog name be all cool and symbolic?

Therefore, as a last ditch effort to kick start my brainstorming, I am going to just list a bunch of words that I like.

  • Robots.
  • Alien robots.
  • Super Heroes.
  • Comedy
  • Dinosaurs
  • Food
  • Squats
  • MS Paint
  • Medicine
  • Museums
  • Art
  • Gymnastics
  • Guild
  • War(s)
  • Space
  • Galaxies
  • Bears
  • Sharks
  • Radiohead

So…that list looks like the the tumblr of a 16 year old hipster in 2008. FUCK. WHY AM I SO BAD AT THIS?

I hate everything.

Maybe I’ll have better luck with adjectives.



WIZARD BATTLES and the longest post I’ve ever made!

I feel like all the titles to my posts are always in caps. I LIKE IT.

So, it was just brought to my attention that Hocus Pocus is now 20 years old. Holy shit, how old am I again?

Yes, its October. We’re nine days in and I was looking up awesome, nostalgic Halloween movies…only to be constantly reminded that I am no longer a kid.

You see, I used to be addicted to the Halloween holiday. Helping my mother put up decorations was like no other drug; I’d often times make decorations myself by hand. I couldn’t stop until the entire house – interior and exterior – were perfectly spooky. I would spend the entire year as a child planning my costume, drawing out ever detail, constantly revising my prototypes to ensure that I would be the most convincing ghoul, fairy or power ranger. There used to be costume parades at our school and our compound recreational center, this was where I’d truly shine, those other kids didn’t stand a chance against my outfit. I wanted all the awards. If there wasn’t a horror or Halloween themed movie playing on the television, I wasn’t interested.I would become completely distracted from every thing else in my life – school, video games, I don’t think this was a healthy obsession I had about Halloween. I’d even ration my candy so that it lasted the entire year…something was clearly wrong with me.

Halloween was so much fun man, now I’m too old for any of it. I’m too old for cool trick-or-treating. I’m too old to dress up as provocative X, Y, or Z girl. I’m too old for my parents to make me a costume and too old to justify buying one (why the fuck are those pieces of nylon so expensive?). I’m to old for costume parties…hey wait, no, hold on, that last one was still okay. Right? Do people still do those? I mean, if you can go out to bars dressed up in costumes, what’s stopping people from still having home costume parties?

So in my hypothetical world, where I have shit tons of fun and things are as I expect them to be, I’ve been invited to a Halloween costume party! YES. Score! So I sent in my RSVP, so totes gonna be there bro. Now what do I wear?

I thought long and hard about this. And then I got a snack, and thought some more. I came up with nothing. I decided to go through my big clutterfest of a room to see if I could possibly glue something together and make it pass as a costume.

I lost my blue barracudas Legend of the Hidden Temple shirt, so there goes that. I also refuse to go as female Captain America again this year. I could just rip some clothes up and roll as a zombie (Walking Dead does start up this week!) – but I donated like three bags of clothes to Goodwill…so the left over clothing is not going anywhere.

I found the following:

  1. Cat ears
  2. Pichu ears??
  3. Witch Hat
  4. Superman shirt
  5. Gold Medal of Mathematical Achievement

Damn it. So either I’m a cat, a pokemon, a witch, or a female superman after winning a national math-lette competition? Why am I even trying.

Pichu makes me look like I have a beard. I like it.

As I sat there, or here…I’m still sitting in the same chair, and scrolled down my blog something occurred to me. I saw my Breaking Netflix week 1 – The League post and the greatest idea of all time dawned on me (a little exaggeration). I WILL BE A FANTASY FOOTBALL WIZARD. Genius.

I mean, it is football season and I just finished watching the first season of the League. I’ve got a witch hat. I’m going to MacGyver this costume into the best Fantasy Football Wizard the world has ever seen!

So I type into google “wizard” and all the pictures show little dudes wearing big robes with lots of cosmic-themed patterns. I don’t have any of that. Not cool, internet. When you google “fantasy football wizard” it turns out that someone already came up with this idea. Yep, I am pretty unoriginal.  I have to admit, it was a good idea, so I shouldn’t have been so surprised that someone else beat me to the punch.

After clicking through some related websites listing the “top wizards of all time,” it dawned on me that choosing just ONE wizard to dress up as would be a challenge in itself. So I did what any normal person would do in this situation, I decided to pick the most popular wizards and have them battle it out in my head. Welcome to the complexities of my mind.

Wizards battling wizards. It’s a tale as old as time…I think.



So here’s my top picks, time to size them up.

(1) Merlin – from every fucking story about wizards in the history of time.

Merlin is a bad ass, and he knows it. He’s been saving knights and slaying dragons before any of the fools on this list were even invented; +10 points for that. These days he’s got his own TV shows, novels and he’s even been in a Disney movie, so his fame gives him another +20 points. Looking good Merlin. He’s not even trying. (Total points: 30)

(2) Dumbledore – from Harry Pottah.

I don’t know much about this guy, mostly cause I haven’t read all of those Potter books and I only watched a hand full of the movies, resulting in only total confusion. +3 points for being famous-ish.  I think he’s a powerful bro, cause he runs  a school of magic, so we’ll give him +10 for leadership. But then I have to give the guy a -10 for being killed by Snape, on purpose – what? Another -10 points for putting all the responsibility on a teenager with post-traumatic stress disorder, no parents, and a mental link to the worst bad guy to ever roam your realm. What’s wrong with you? (Total points: -7)

(3) Skeletor – from The Adventures of He-man.

Face is a skeleton, bad ass, +10 points. He is a super villain, +10 points. Has minions, +5 points. Loses to He-man EVERY FUCKING TIME,  -30 points. You have magical powers, get your shit together Skeletor. (Total points: -5)

(4) Mumm-Ra – from Thundercats.

Mummy sorcerer who has lived a gagillion years, +10 points. Awesome fucking recantation: “Ancient Spirits of Evil, transform this decayed form to Mumm-Ra, the Ever-Living!” +10 points. Shape-shifter +5 points. Ultimate weakness – own reflection in a mirror. WHAT? Are you serious? That’s what puts you back in your little mummy coffin? What kind of childhood issues did you have that you can’t look yourself in the face? Medusa called, she wants her Achilles’ heel back. Damn it man, -25 points. (Total points: 0)


This motherfucker. Oh man, I love this guy. First of all, +20 for being in the Lord of the Rings. Second of all, +10 for middle-earth networking. He knows everyone man, and he’s totally cool with everybody. +5 for saving hobbits, every damn time. +10 for that epic “You shall not pass.” line, I quote that to no end, love it. “I’m looking for someone to share in an adventure.” PICK ME, OMG, PICK ME!!! (Total points: 35)

(6) The Wizard of Oz – from The Wizard of Oz.

I know there was a second movie, but I didn’t see it. Anything from the play Wicked also doesn’t really count towards your favor. But, +10 for being in both of those. -15 for being a total let down at the end of the first movie. +5 for cool smoke effects, I can vouch for that. Kind of wish you did more though…not really sure why I picked you for my list…if you were a Pokemon trading card, you’d be a Magikarp(Total points: 0)

(7) Rita Repulsa– from The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

The ultimate sorceress, Rita Repulsa herself. She’s got a great dubbed voice, super bad-guy vibe, so +5 points. She is a super villain, +10 points. Creates baddies out of clay that are the size of Godzilla, +20 points. Weird side kick goons who can’t do shit right so you always have to do things yourself, and announce that fact; “I always have to do EVERYTHING myself!”  Also +5 points for that crazy hair she had going on, very convincing. BUT, -5 points for taking orders from an even bigger baddie who looks creepier than you, -15 points for losing to the Power Rangers without a single success. Sorry Rita. (Total points: 5)

(8) Microsoft Wizard – from your old-school Microsoft OS.

This guy would pop up in your Microsoft Word documents to see if you needed an assistance, although you had the option of making him a dog or paper clip.  I miss you man, +10 points for nostalgia. +20 points for always having my back. -15 points for being super annoying and not having any faith in me. I can do shit right sometimes, man! Give me a chance before you have to get all up in my face. (Total points: 15)

(9) BIOS Wizard the one I made up because  I like analogies.

+10 points because I made you up. -15 points for not being an actual wizard. +2 points for being a part of my educational learning. (Total points: -3)

Looks like Gandalf has taken the lead with a jaw dropping 35 points. Merlin is not far behind, sporting 30 points. The Microsoft Wizard is a very far away third place with 15 points. And Rita Repulsa is hanging by a thread of 5 points. Everyone else should get their shit together. I’m slightly ashamed of my picks.


First up, Rita Repulsa VERSUS The Microsoft Wizard!

Oh snap, this is going to be a close one. Looks like Rita is starting it off with some clay pieces, Microsoft Wizard barrel rolls out of their way. Looks like he’s using some kind of red jagged line to rope the monster baddies! I guess that line is for more than just pointing out spelling mistakes! Rita uses her ceptor for defense, but it looks like the restraints are too much for her. BAM! Rita just hit the floor faster than a sack of bricks! Rita is down, I repeat, Rita is down! Microsoft Wizard WINS!

Merlin VERUSES Gandalf!

Merlin wastes no time, he takes out his magic missles and starts firing! Gandalf pulls off a Matrix move and dodges EVERYTHING! Amazing! It looks like Gandalf just flipped out a phone and is speed dialing Middle Earth, is this allowed? Refs are gonna let it slide. Giant birds and walking trees are coming out of the woodwork! Merlin better have a strong defense, looks like a group of Knights has appeared! Some hobbits and elves are blocking the knights from aiding Merlin. This isn’t looking good. A bird has just picked up Merlin, where is he taking him? OH NO, NOT MORDOR! Looks like Merlin just melted into dust below the eye of Sauron. Why couldn’t all these guys travel that fast in the books? Gandalf wins!

Gandalf VERSUS The Microsoft Wizard!

It all comes down to this. Wait, somethings happening, I think the Microsoft Wizard just threw down his staff. Looks like Gandalf threw down his as well, looks like they’re going to do this the old fashioned way – fist to cuffs! Gandalf strikes first, going for a high kick, but its easily dodged by Microsoft Wizard. Looks like Gandalf just head butted Microsoft right in the face! Is that legal? Who knows! This is all happening in my head! Gandalf has Microsoft in an arm bar!

Looks like Microsoft just wiggled his way out of there – oh no, and right into a knee bar!

Gandalf’s face is pure pain, it looks like he’s whispering something – could it be a spell? It is! He’s up and standing! What’s this? Oh my God, Gandalf is bicycle kicking Microsoft Wizard! And he’s down, Microsoft Wizard is down! FLAWLESS VICTORY! GANDALF WINS!

Looks like I know who I’m going to be dressed as for this year’s Halloween.



So today I’d like to discuss unplugging. Mostly because its really fucking hard for me to do lately.

Sturdy as a brick, and just as fast.

I mean, we all remember a time when there was no internet, right? But my dad has always worked with computers and thus there were several in the house. So even when I was a wee little lass I “plugged in”. We had some sweet, sweet computer games.

There was Freddi Fish; that game was GOLD.

There were the Zoombinis, hard as fuuuuuuuck.

There was a scary ass game about fairy tales that I can’t remember the name of…but it had this troll who gave me nightmares. Yes, I was afraid of trolls before the internet, the fear never ends…

There was also Math Blaster! AW YEAH, MATH IN SPACE – THIS IS AWESOME.

Speaking of space, I played the shit out of that space pin ball game that used to come standard with the old school Microsoft OS. I think I started playing that after I was introduced to the internet though. Regardless, I spent hours and hours of time on this thing that I can never get back.

Drawing this would have been impossible.

Oh and that game where you are skiing and that abominable snowman shows up and eats you…maybe this is why I’m not into snow.

[Edit]: Kauf reminded me of the name of this game! It was SKIFREE!!!

A few years later, I’d be playing those typing games at school too – you know like Mavis Beacon.

Even if I wasn’t playing games, I was experimenting with Microsoft Word. Me and my girl friend Heather were obsessed with walking and petting all the neighborhood dogs, so we deviced a plan to do so and get money out of it. DOG WALKING SERVICE. I’m not kidding, this happened. I wrote up a flyer in MS Word about our prices, pasted in some clip art and changed the font to Comic Sans (a font that I would come to hate if I saw it on any media outside of actual comic books).

Remember that little paper clip dude? He always had your back. He did get really annoying though…

These were all super fun and kept me at my dad’s computer pretty frequently.

So being “plugged in” is something that has been instilled in me long ago.

Fast forward to today – where I have a netbook and a desktop – I feel almost spoiled. Granted my netbook travels at the speed of light, if the speed of light were brutally beaten with a sledge hammer, ran over by a car and is currently in a coma, being kept alive using a ventilator. And my desktop was made in 2007…soooo 6 years ago. His memory is going in his old age, but he’s still trucking. I don’t have any of those fancy doo-hickies, like tablets or e-readers, or a computer that works… But I’m still “plugged in.”

It’s hard to unplug these days. Mostly because my classes are online, so I have to constantly be checking those and talking to my group project members. Equally difficult is the fact that my best friends are online, I mean I could just text them the whole day, but its faster to just chat them up on Steam or Skype. And lets say that I just want to sit back and relax and watch a movie – OH WAIT, NETFLIX IS ONLINE TOO.

Do you see where I’m going with this? Unplugging is hard to do.

The only time I’m truly unplugged is if I’m reading a book, which is usually when I’m studying at Barnes and Noble or doing it for fun before bed.

I remember I used to be unplugged way more often, but that was during my first bachelor’s degree, when all the people I loved were walking distance from me. And if they weren’t walking distance, they were just a short drive away. Hanging out then was much easier to do without “plugging in.”

But even then…I would go back to my dorm and hop on my computer, log into Guild Wars…

I think unplugging is nearly impossible now.



Throughout my life I have really gone up and down that gradient scale between extrovert and introvert. Its hard to be social and actively seek out new friendships when I’ve had so many moments, especially this year, where I question who I am. The number of times I’ve caught myself confused about my own feelings or thoughts leads me to believe that I need to do a lot more research about myself. I need to conduct more studies, test more variables, and perform more experiments to determine a more current definition of myself. But, does anyone really require a definition? I suppose a certain amount should be necessary. The question is, how can anyone new in my life understand all of these complexities.

I was reading through my bloggies this morning, and came across the Daily Prompt. I thought to myself, wouldn’t that be easy? Just handing over a mixtape to new people in my life, and suddenly they would know me. It could contain all the songs that I felt I related to since I was younger gradually leading up to the person I am today. But music is like any other media, it can be interpreted in several different ways. So perhaps the playlist I share, that I feel is the best representation of who I am, turns out to be a completely different person to anyone else who listens. Or maybe I’m just getting a bit too philosophical over a very simple task – which would be to create a list of songs I enjoy.

Either way, lets see if it works.

My favorite band: Radiohead: 15 Step, Everything in its Right PlaceHouse of Cards, BodysnatchersHigh & Dry, their albums are all gold – see for yourself.

My favorite Chiptune: 

Continue reading


Paying it forward

Fun fact, “Midori” is green in Japanese. The more you know.

So yesterday my internet bud, Annmarie (AKA Sweet Wild Flower), decided to give me this cool anniversary present for my 1 month of blogging. I’d like to take a second to thank her for being such a positive internet buddy. I’m not so used to seeing nice people on the internet. It’s a great change.

Check out that sweet piece of jpeg! I like it, its green and its got a great adjective, more importantly its got “award” at the end of it. Everyone loves awards, right? I give myself awards all the time. The dark chocolate eater award, the best excuses to not go to the gym award, the eating a second and third breakfast this morning award. That last one is really dear to my heart. I’m basically a hobbit.

So this green stallion of an award has some rules that go along with receiving it. Which I will follow, since I don’t really break rules all that often!

Select 15 bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly. Holy shit, that is a lot of blogs to list….okay, here goes!

  1. Miami Transit Rider – Daniella’s Rants about Miami public transportation makes her blog my favorite!
  2. Michael Chaney’s Blog -Michael is my favorite writer that I have been exposed to since joining wordpress!
  3. Knitting, feminism and miscellaneous ranting – I WISH I KNEW MANDY IN PERSON, O GOD, SHE’S AMAZING.
  4. Lafemmeroar – I get something out of every post, she’s a great writer.
  5. Museums Reviewed – I have read every single post on this blog. Its re-god-damn-diculous how much I love it.
  6. Hanna Brencher – I just discovered Hanna via her TEDtalk regarding her more love letters project.
  7. Just Homemade – because food porn is the best kind of porn.
  8. Illustrator Bites – Heather is hella talented, I love her illustrations and her blog is adorable.
  9. Delightfully Tacky – I’ve been following Elizabeth since 2009, you could say that I follow her the most regularly!
  10. Living Europea – I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, this couple are living my dream.
  11. Map of Jo – Only recently discovered this blog, but its become my wordpress version of tumblr!
  12. Little Wolf – I want to be Maryanna when I grow up.
  13. Pretty Pink Pebbles – Ana has a little bit of everything!
  14. Stegothesaurus – for your regular dose of flash fiction! :3
  15. The Illustrious Peacock – beautiful photography, you know you want to look at it. LOOK AT IT I SAY.
  16. Violent Metaphors – for when I’m feeling sassy and science-y.

[I added one for good luck!]

As per the instructions, you have all just been nominated for Versatile Blogger Award as well. Let the never-ending game of internet tag begin!

The last rule says I have to tell you guys 7 things about myself. Now you see, the problem with this is, I already did that before. So its hard for me to come up with 7 NEW things to tell you about myself. Mostly because I’ve only been awake for three hours and I’m not at home…

Luckily the Daily Prompt has come to my rescue, giving an idea as to what what I can talk about.

1. Clothes are very important to me. I need them, or else I’d be naked. That may sound a bit obvious, but, really, I don’t want to be walking around naked. Mostly because I get cold very easily. I’m not sure why I’m always perpetually cold, maybe its bad circulation. Regardless, I need clothes so that I don’t feel like one of those shivering hairless cats. I AM A BEAR, and thus require a warm coat of fur. I prefer to be bear than bare, GET IT? O GOD IM NOT EVEN KIND OF FUNNY.

2. When I was growing up my style was that of a tom boy. All I did when I was a kid was play with my brothers toys and video games. My mother attempted to dress me up in skirts and poofy dresses, but these efforts were always met with retaliation. I remember at some point my parents started buying us clothing a few sizes up so that we would grow into them. I ended up stealing my brothers pants and shirts that were too big for him. I don’t think he minded much…but I never actually asked, lol.

3. When I was in highschool my style was that of a hottopic poster child. I wasn’t the happiest of kids when I moved back to the states. I was pretty depressed that America and American teenagers were not at all how I pictured them.  So I think that’s why I started listening to really dark music. I say dark, because it involved the color black. Lots of black. I think I wore only black for like a good solid two years of my life. Sometimes I’d add in some bright colors, but most of the time…just black. I had those giant over sized baggy pants, the ones where it looked like I was hiding a small child in each pant leg. I didn’t own shirts that weren’t band shirts. Seriously. I had spikey wrist bracelets and wore clunky metal necklaces. My backpack was filled with band patches and I only listened to black metal, death metal, speed metal or alternative bands. And I had a livejournal (does that still exist?). Basically, I was your average angsty teen.

4. My style today is a little bit of everything. I enjoy skirts and dresses again, lol, I’m glad I got over that. I also love the shit out of bermuda shorts. Best. Invention. Ever. If I’m not wearing flip flops its because I’m going to the gym. If I’m going dancing I never wear heels…as I learned the hard way that bar hopping and clubbing require a lot of footwork. I have a shit ton of novelty t-shirts. I have star wars, star trek, band shirts, a tuxedo shirt, super hero shirts, I even have a Powerthirst shirt – for when I decide that I need to be uncomfortably energetic! I also have a wonderful pile of more fashionable tops, but I never seem to find occasions to wear them.

5. My style as a nursing student screams yoga pants and college t-shirts…Mostly because I don’t sleep much, I wake up early, I spend my days studying and I have no life. Don’t judge me; you’d dress like this too. The only permanent addition to my wardrobe since starting nursing school is a watch. I never regularly wore watches before, but now I feel weird if I go a day without one. Maybe one day, when I’m a super adult, I’ll get a cool galaxy gear watch…until then, I can only hope to buy a Casio calculator watch. Those are the fucking coolest.

6. Clothes you will never see me in: overalls or no-sleeve tees. There was this one time, when I went to Japan with my girl friend Kim, that the cool peeps we were hanging out with took us to the beach and we had nothing to wear for such an occasion. So we went to a nearby clothing store, but the cheapest clothing we found were a pair of overalls…one pink and one yellow. We ended up purchasing them because our friends told us that they looked cute, and they pushed us to buy them. We looked so absolutely ridiculous. We looked like Pink Mario and Wario. It was so embarrassing. All picture evidence has since been burned. The no-sleeve thing is related, once again, to my dislike of being cold. Speaking of which, something you will ALWAYS see me carrying: a sweater or jacket. I never leave home without one.

7. My favorite article of clothing is my hello kitty snuggie. I consider it an article of clothing…even though if you want to get technical, I’m pretty sure its more of a robe-blanket. MAD? MAD CAUSE I GOT A HELLO KITTY SNUGGIE? You should be.

BAAAAAAAAAAM. Two birds, one early morning stone. Done and done! I’m ready for second breakfast now.



Reading Material

I have gotten super picky about my reading material over the last couple of years. Maybe its because I’ve been forced to read so much content in nursing school that I’ve kind of lost touch with what it means to “read for pleasure.” Or maybe my taste in books has changed without me realizing it. Either way, I just don’t pick up books like I used to.

These days, when I pick up books, I’m looking to learn something. I’m not looking to be lectured. I repeat – NO LECTURES! I’ve gotten enough of those from my college education… I’m just searching for that text out there that will inspire discussion and even stir up my emotions. Books with a message, research texts about a topic that interests me, something that makes me question myself to better understand who I am. I realize, reading this back, that this sounds like a huuuuuuge feat, but truthfully for all of the content out there all it really takes is for me to read one thought provoking sentence to completely change the way I think.

TEDTalks are a great example of what I mean. I’m looking to learn something new, hear the point of view of different people, see a topic in a light that I hadn’t even thought of before. I actually own a couple of books written by authors who were TEDTalk speakers.

My selection process goes a little something like this:

Basically I’ve been guilty of the following:

  • Selecting one book over another because of its price
  • Selecting no books because of their price…
  • Selecting one book over another because of how it looks
  • Disregarding all books from a particular author that I have previously read and disliked; regardless of any change in writing style/topic selection that the author may have undergone

I feel guilty that these are incorporated in my selection process, but its the honest truth.

The even more honest truth is that I go to Barnes and Noble to read books for free while drinking coffee at their little café. I’m a full on moocher.

HOWEVER! When it comes to bloggers that I follow, all bets are off. Unlike books, I can enjoy following a blogger who has completely different interests than my own. I don’t even have to be blown away by their blog layout. Best of all, I don’t have to bring cash up front to view their posts. Books and blogs are like two different dimensions. I read several different blogs, and have done so for several years. Bloggers are great because although they are usually themed – style, cooking, technology, gaming – I get to indulge and share in the excitement of whatever they’re posting. And that’s something that a good majority of books can’t do, truly connect with their audience. I say majority, but I know there are plenty of books out there that completely tear through you and force you to see pieces of yourself that you may or may not have wanted to see. Bloggers more easily achieve this kind of reading catharsis for me, just because I get to know that person. I can interact with them. I can follow them through their own daily journeys and see their struggles as they parallel with my own. Some bloggers I use for an escape, since their lives are so different than mine. I don’t know if my blog does any of these things for other people…lol okay I know it doesn’t…but I do enjoy being a part of the blogging community. Even if it is just me ranting about things 90% of the time.

Okay so now I want to hear from you guys! This is a daily prompt, but I still want to know your answers.

How do you pick what blogs or books to read? What’s the one thing that will get you to pick up a book or click on a link every single time?


De-junk-ification: Part 1

I was reading a few of the Clean House posts, and it reminded me of my own junk…

Those who know me know of my mess. I never consciously go out and try to make a mess, it just kind of piles up that way. Over time. Without me realizing. Also I get lazy.

Let me explain myself.

Over the years I have acquired an impressive mountain of stuff, often times I forget that I have this mountain…especially when I see cute things on sale or clearance. Then I get home and I see there was no space for anything before my purchase…so now I guess all that’s left to do is pile my new belongings on top of my old belongings. Perfect. If clothing piles were a competitive sport, I don’t even think it would be fair for me to compete…I’d just win by default. Now, I’ve seen what hoarder rooms look like. I’d like to take this moment to say that my room is not on that level. I assure you that there are no living creatures or new organisms residing in my room piles. I think it becomes too much though when I can’t find my things.

You see, I may be disorganized in my room, but I know where my stuff is…like…85% of the time. There is organization in my disorganization. I know that people who are neat freaks are just kind of judging me right now, and that’s cool. I get it. I understand your point of view, I’m a huge slobby mcslobberson. But I mean, I always end up being too busy to clean. Something always comes up – things are due, there are places to be, people to meet. I mean, I’m not going to defend all of my actions. I’ve said “no” to cleaning my room on more than one occasion to play a video game or watch Netflix instead. Eventually I just become very apathetic towards the poor thing. It’s not until I take a moment to really reflect on all my crap that I get this random burst of energy to clean it all. I have the best intentions, I WANT to finish the entire room. But after about an hour of digging through one corner of my room, I become super overwhelmed with all of my crap.


On more than one occasion I have attempted to clean my room by the transfer-dumping method. The transfer dumping method is something I just made up to describe how I will clean one corner of my room by stuffing the things I removed into another corner of my room. A transfer, of junk. Then I wonder why or how a giant pile of clothing could fall on my head. Eventually it just turns into a huge game of room-jenga…and I’m the one who has to clean up – regardless of which junk piles falls first.

Recently, I’ve taken to laying on my bedroom floor. Prior to recent incidences in my life, I only did this to calm my anxiety. I’m not sure if other people lay on their floors to calm their anxiety…but I don’t fucking care, that’s what I do. YOU DON’T KNOW ME. YOU DON’T KNOW MY LIFE.

Anyway, so basically, the little space that there was for walking, I sort of filled with comforters and pillows.

I was sleeping on the floor

This system worked for a while, until my room suddenly required a more permanent sleeping arrangement…

I needed a bed. Problem was, there was no room for a bed. There was no room for anything, really. So things needed to change. I went onto youtube and binged on videos that showed ways to tidy up rooms / clean up clutters / redesign spaces. Basically, I went out looking for inspiration. I got some, but nothing could have really inspired me like my trip to IKEA.

IKEA is the answer to all of my junky problems. IKEA’s floor rooms look hella classy, save on space and look like grown up shit. I instantly thought to myself, “Hey man, I’m adult-ish, I should be able to do that too!” Being broke really limited the amount of organizational products I could bring home… But on my budget I was able to splurge on a sweet IKEA dresser (from the children’s section…), as well as some boxes to better contain my crap – and make it look neater.  So I came home with this insane amount of confidence that things were going to change.

And change it did. I rediscovered the art of throwing crap away (a long lost concept that I had forsaken in the name of keepsakes). You see, I’m huge on pictures, post cards, letters, etc. I love that stuff. It fuels my happy feels. So I have a tendency to keep EVERYTHING. Then my brother reminded me that although all of the things in my room were linked to certain memories, they weren’t really keepsakes. For example, my physics books. What am I doing with those? Nothing, they’re just chillin and taking up space. I don’t plan on taking physics again any time soon and honestly, I’d probably just look up information on the internet anyway. This effect of throwing junk away that I no longer needed, with minimal nostalgia potential, caught on like a wild fire. Eventually I filled up a couple of bags worth of stuff. JUST ENOUGH to move in mattress (shout out to my homegirl who let me have it). So now, my room is more like this:

My computer chair can’t move…

Granted, there’s even less space in my room now, and my walls look like I’m playing a serious game of Tetris, but I can sleep there. And that’s what’s important.

My new goal is to keep everything (my junk) at a manageable level so that I don’t over-flood the place with crap again. We shall see.