I'm just Super Saiyan

No one tells me anything, just saiyan…

Ain’t no Sunshine when she’s gone


First things first…


Do you get the “Super Saiyan Michu” lame joke now?

If my blog were passing out treats this year, I’d pass out some old-school pokemon trading cards. Way cooler than pennies but slightly less cooler than dark chocolate milky way bars… In the morning you’d have have something to enjoy that was non-edible while you try to nurture your candy-hang-over or actual hang-over. I think its a pretty descent treat.

Allllright, moving along!

Ain’t no sunshine when she’s gone

And she’s always gone too loooooong,

Anytime she goes away.

Sorry, that song immediately pops in my head when I think of the word “sunshine.”

So recently I got tag-teamed by Sheen Meem and Christina for the Sunshine Award. Thank you ladies!

I’m supposed to share 10 things about myself. But after listening to Bill Withers belt that sweet, melancholy beast of a song, I feel like I should share things that I miss.

1) Libraries. 

Growing up, I loved spending my days inside my school’s library for recess. They had these awesome beanie bag chairs between each isle of books. It was the best. I’d grab two or three books, sit down and nibble on my lunch while indulging in some light reading. Libraries in the states aren’t quite the same. The public libraries I have been to were alright but basically ghost towns. The university libraries have the opposite problem, lots of people and not a lot of pleasure reading selection. I have become accustomed to university libraries though, as they do provide an adequate space for studying.

Children book series: (2) Goosebumps, (3) Animorphs.

So I was super into the Goosebumps and Animorphs book series. I had a bunch of the books myself, but I’d also always read copies of the ones I didn’t own at the library or borrow them from friends. Those were the best. I mentioned before that I don’t really understand why I love to be scared, but Goosebumps would keep me up at night…not just because I was afraid of what was on the page, but also because I couldn’t put it down. Animorphs was so cool, especially the way that the publisher made the corners of the pages morph from the animal to the person. GENIUS. That alone held my attention for several minutes, it was hypnotizing.

5) Borders.

Fast forward to adult-ish-hood, the library was quickly replaced with Borders – a magical store whose sole purpose was to bring me joy and happiness. I know I previously mentioned how much I missed Borders…but I don’t think you understand. I MISS Borders HARD. I used to go there on a daily basis when I moved away. It was great. The music wasn’t too loud in the store, there were plenty of seats and plugs for laptops, the cafe was reasonably priced  – this place was gold.  I was there so often that people knew me by name. I can’t even begin to estimate how many hours I spent at Borders. And then, it went out of business. My favorite store, gone forever.

6) Guild Wars.

There was a time when I lived for this game man, like, it was just the most fun I could ever have. This time of year I reminisce of how Lions Arch used to get all dressed up for Halloween, or  the arrival of Mad King Thorn, however you want to see it. I logged in just to see the decor today. Kamadan still has people running around, which is cool to see.

7) Guild Families/Buddies

What I mean by guild families is that I miss being in a tight knit guild. Guilds that are both relaxed and like a band of brothers are really hard to find. I’ve only come across about four in the entirety of my gaming experience. One of which I mentioned before, Us Are Not [leet] – they were a really special group of people, love them to death. But since GW2 came out I haven’t really found myself all that into the game, and thus, not that close to any guilds. Being a part of a guild is a lot of fun when the chemistry is right. Now I skype with a few friends here and there, but nothing beats the banter you have with guild mates in guild chat or a voice IP program (ventrillo, teamspeak, etc…).

8) Halloween

I know I wrote about this before, but I fucking love Halloween. I just get really upset that costumes aren’t as exciting as they used to be back in the day and now I don’t know enough people where I live to really enjoy going out and drinking in costume. Kinda sucks.

9) Roommates

I don’t miss all of my roommates…really I just miss living with Kimbohydrates and having Kosmonat bunk in our apartment livingroom. They’re my two favorite-est people in the world and I don’t get to see them nearly as often enough these days.


10) Art Basel

I really love going to art galleries, I don’t care who the artist is – it can be a student gallery, famous dude, indie dude, historical dude, I don’t care. I love them. One specific art show that happens in Miami annually is called Art Basel. I haven’t gone in so many years because it costs money and its in Miami. But I miss it like crazy. There aren’t that many galleries where I live now, which is upsetting. Also the art scene in Miami has exploded hardcore in recent years, of course with my luck, this happened after I moved. At least I got to enjoy the times I went to Miami Art Walk.

That’s enough about me. It’s time to play tag. I chose to tag the following ten peers (who I love to pieces) to also receive this Sunshine Award!

(1) Aussa Lorens of Hacker Ninja Hooker Spy
(2) Kippfu of A’A in Paradise
(3) EJ of Whimsical Eclecticist
(4) Marry of Viver Para Contar
(5) Annie of Sweet Wild Flower
(6) Rebecca Ann of RebeccaAnnEm
(7) Melissa of The Fashion Huntress
(8) Bee of Queen of Sprouts
(9) Zoe of Zuts
(10) Chris Evans (yeah, that’s his real name, lol) of Geek Blogger UK

Author: imsupersaiyan

Blogging is hard. I'm just sayian.

72 thoughts on “Ain’t no Sunshine when she’s gone

  1. This was so cuuuuute!!! I can’t love your drawings enough!!!
    I do miss the apartment days too!!! Though I definitely don’t miss being in school–if that part could just be evaded that would be great.

    Also, you should come to Basel this year! T’s mom will be here so I’m for sure going =)

  2. Pingback: Halloween “Treat” : Get it here | Processing the life

  3. Yeah, GW2 just isn’t doing it justice. I haven’t even logged in a couple months. Love Halloween as well, but this year is all about moving. Did get to watch “Nightmare Before Christmas.” Have fun!

    • It’s been a couple of months for me too, it just sucks. I’m so unmotivated. I participated in the jumping puzzel for Halloween last year in GW2 but that was about it…I haven’t done anything yet this year. Good luck with your move!
      LOL for whatever reason I always watch NBC in December and never in October, I have no idea why.

  4. Pingback: Trick or Treat | The Silver Leaf Journal

  5. I’ll send Kim up in a box, and don’t worry I’ll poke holes in the box so it’s pretty legit. You could come down for Art Basel although if I’m not mistaken Kim will probably be working at that time, but you can go by her stand and say hi.

    • If I opened my mailbox and saw Kim I would poop myself. A glorious poop!
      I think I may come down this year for Art Basel :) OMG I MUST INTERROGATE KIM I DIDNT KNOW SHE WOULD BE WORKING THEN!

      • Oh, and I too used to love reading Animorphs. :B
        I think I read from book one to around thirty-something, and years later I didn’t think it was possible for me to be able to get my hands on all the books so I just read a synopsis of the entire thing. Maybe one day I’ll try and read them, and maybe I’ll have one of those “I used to be into this?” moments. Hopefully not lol

        • Animorphs was hella amazing. I loved those books so, so much – and I even watched the television series!
          I don’t know where one would go to be able to re-read all the Animorph books, but I kind of want to at some point (lol, nostalgia kicks are the best kicks). Did you just read the synopsis on wiki or something?
          That’s the best part of nostalgia man, you go back and find out if it held up against time or of it was just something you could never understand loving.
          Megaman 2 is like that for me – I played it again a few years back, still fucking boss.
          Watching the x-men original animated series on the other hand…OH GOD, I NEED TO ERASE THAT FROM MY MEMORY.

          • I think I read it on wikipedia. I just wanted to know what happened to all the characters I had spent hours reading about lol. Upon a quick google search I just now I saw you can read the books online in pdf format. For a rainy day I suppose.
            I used to love playing Megaman, except when the game would kick my ass for missing that one platform jump onto that tiny ledge. Which was all of them haha

  6. I share so many of these interests it’s scary. I love Books A Million here. I’m ad addict of reference and business materials. Some people are entertained by great works of art books, but I get the same excitement from learning things.

    And you know I sing that song in the shower… I already admitted that. haha

    I wonder what Guild Wars 2 has on for Halloween this year… nah, I’m not gonna log on. I logged on last Halloween and played a little. Last time I played. Should probably leave it at that. So sad how much GW rocked and GW2 doesn’t… imo.

    Have a great day!

    PS Your lipstick in the pic reminds me of the Chiquita Banana woman for some reason.

    • There’s a BAM about fifteen minutes from where I live right now, but its not the same. The cafe there doesn’t have plugs for laptops and the employees aren’t quiet as warm. I don’t know, its not the same feel I guess.
      I get books from literally every section of the store, except for buisness themed books LOL! But you already knew that porattles.
      That song is bad ass.
      GW2 is kind of dead to me. I wish it had never happened, cause its kind of depressing. It’s like playing GW and thinking GW2 was going to be like this INSANE awesome thing, but really, its just a pick-and-choose-version of a bunch of different MMOs that had the story line of GW slapped onto it. Even though the graphics and art are mind-blowing, I don’t think the gameplay entertains me enough.
      Someone at ANET should come up with Guild Wars verison 1.5 or something – better graphics, more skills, updated enviornments…I’d play the shit out of that – I don’t even need a new interface!!!!!

      Oh porattles, why you gotta bring up the Chiquita Banana woman??? Is it cause I’m Cuban?

      • I would totally play GW 1.5!!! That’s the whole problem with GW2… no freedom with your skills and builds. I like a game to be a little bit challenging, not dumbed down.

        Nah it’s not because you’re Cuban. It’s because you are beautiful.

      • Oh, and I just thought of something witty (is it still witty even though it wasn’t quick?) so I had to come back and comment… especially since it’s Halloween!

        So you say the cafe employees at BAM aren’t quite as warm. Does that mean…

        They Are Zombies???!??!?!!!!?!???

        • u___u oh goodness porattles! LOL, maybe they are zombies… Maybe.

          Are you doing anything fun for Halloween? Going to the pool hall dressed as a shark?

          • Nope! I do wish I had the shark idea before today though… that would have been excellent!

            Just handing out candy at my door. No intentions of getting out tonight. But, who knows, I’ve been known to change my mind from time to time. Plus… I have tomorrow off! Rare thing having a Friday off!

            How about Michu?

            • BRO, If I knew people in my area, I’d be out and about taking pictures of my favorite costumes. Especially if I had tmrw off !!! LOL.

              But, I don’t know anyone who is available, so I’m probably going to watch scary movies on netflix and eat candy…cause, you know, I got no life.

  7. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Trick or Treat | Pretty Pleasures

  8. Pingback: HALLOWEEN PROMPT | hastywords

  9. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Trick or Treat | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss

  10. Hello my Pichu, Michu and Happy Halloween, Congrats to you on getting the Sunshine Award, and thank you so much for mine too! I love that I got it on Halloweenie! xoxox I love this post all my favorites are here! Pichu, and Bear-Shark, Guild Wars, and your room-mates are so Cute and Pretty! I love seeing them all in your posts! I feel your pain on Borders closing, I loved that store and it was so close to my house, and they made the best caramel iced coffee’s this side of planet earth! I love to read and that was my favorite place to go! My hubby said he is going to make me my very own book-nook, I don’t care how small it is, just a cozy snug little place of my own to get lost in my books! My sister was like, You have a huge living room why do you want to sit in a closet to read? Ha- Ha! I guess when it is finished she will understand, Have a fun and wonderful Halloween!!! I lovie you so much!!! xoxoxo ANNIE

    • Tell your sister not to hate! Cozy places to read at the best!!!!! If you’re lucky to have a space to do so, I’m super jealous!
      Grats on your award :) You are so sweet as always, have fun today <3

      • Awwww, Thanks, But really anyone can make one, and if you really don’t have the space then you just have to be a little creative, pick your favorite spot and grab your coziest pillows, that’s it! and besides you are still in school, One day you will have everything you desire! You are on your way to a fabulous future!! and you are a BEAR!!! LUV U! xoxoxo

  11. P.S. I love Your Halloween Picture, You look so Gorgeous!!! Happy Halloween!!! xoxoxo Annie

  12. Pingback: Trick or…oh wait Halloween’s not celebrated here…d’oh! | Life as a country bumpkin...not a city girl

  13. Dude, I used to read scary stories when I was a kid. We had something here called ‘de griezelbus’, which is like the spooky bus. Basically it was a schoolclass going somewhere by bus and there was this guy who was a wearwolve and hed tell scary stories to the kids. So it was like a collection of short scary stories. And then in the end he turned into a wearwolve and tried to eat the kids. But then het got killed. So in the other books he came back first as a vampire and then as a ghost a few time. The guy who wrote also wrote other scary stories, I loved those books. They were super immersive at the time. I still have them at home now!

    Sadly thats about all the scary I managed to handle during the rest of my life so far. Everything else, meaning scary movies and such for adults, is 3spoopy5me D: Except zombies. I like movies with zombies for some reason. I think that is mostly because of my fascination with abandoned places and such.

    • LOL I like the name of the spooky Dutch bus. Sounds cool. I used to love reading those short scary stories. Although I’ve never heard of a baddie who was a werewolf, ghost and vampire. That’s impressive. It reminds me of that movie “cabin in the woods” – I think you should watch that, I didn’t find it scary, but it was really good!
      Zombie movies and ghost/possession movies are very different for me I think. I’ve never been afraid of zombies, but I won’t sleep the rest of the night after I watch a really good ghost or possession movie lol. I think that’s why you don’t think zombies are scary – cause they’re not :3

  14. Pingback: What the fox says we should hand out for blog treats: | Rob's Surf Report

  15. Pingback: What the fox says we should hand out for blog treats: | Rob's Surf Report

  16. Pingback: Open Door, Hand Out Treat | Edward Hotspur

  17. When I was in my school years, I liked to spend my free time reading books in library too. I liked borrowing a lot of books from it. I haven’t visited any library for quite a long time since growing up. I kind of miss my time there too.

    • I used to take out two to three books at a time, the librarians weren’t too happy about it…I was always late to return them because I was reading them and then falling behind on school work (so then I’d do school work and fall behind on reading them, lol). You should totally go to a library near you!!!! <3 Bring like a cup of coffee and a comfy jacket and just pop into one of the libraries closest to you – its a lot of fun, prepare for hours of entertainment! :)

  18. Omg, you are so gorgeous! I love your Halloween picture! I just want to put you in my pocket so you can go everywhere with me! =) What lipstick are you wearing? It is perfect for you!
    I hope you had a great Halloween, I definitely spent mine having a Netflix bender and eating so many fun-sized pieces of candy. Fun-sized makes it okay, right? They’re so little!
    We bought so much candy this year for some reason, so now we have so much left! I guess that is better than running out but now I’m going to continue my bender! Wooo hooo! The diet starts tomorrow…and tomorrow means Monday!!!! =D

    • Um, look who’s talking! :3 Pretty sure I’m your smile’s biggest fan – is that weird? Let’s pretend I didn’t say it. Thanks Christina! I think it was “Nice Color, Eh?” by OPI Canadian Collection (LOL!!! I love the name). All my lip colors are so old cause its been ages since I bought one, I’m a terrible makeup owner!
      Your Halloween sounds a lot like mine grrrl! I did the same, I bought a pizza and watched some Netflix – I ate whatever candy I could find in the apartment but really I’m holding out for today to buy candies, because Halloween after-sales are the best, lol.
      LOL!!! Have fun with your diet, party it up this weekend so that you can wash it all away by Monday.

  19. I totally miss Borders :( I used to go there and a really awkward bald man named Lincoln would make me an Americano.
    Also, I recently started hitting up this whole library thing again– I had forgotten how you could just take books FOR FREE and then bring them back when you were done, how amazing is that? Only problem is that I also forgot that I’m not responsible enough for this sytem so I currently have about 40 library books scattered throughout my house and a stack of fines that rivals my water bill.

    Also, thanks for the mention! *blushes* I’m not sure I’m going to do blog awards but I do love getting the shoutout!! Thank youuuuuu :)

    • LOLLLL Aussa, that sounds awesome. My Americano maker was a woman with thick white glasses named Gloria (OMG I REMEMBER EVERYONE, I LOVED THAT PLACE :( )…
      Yeah, book borrowing is the best. You should leave sticky notes around the house as reminders as to when you should take them back, that’s what I do, lol. Yeah, when I was a kid there weren’t super ridiculous fines, but I guess fines are how libraries make a few bucks these days? Yay public funding, lol…
      Grrrrl, I read all your damn posts man, I fucking love you. I would shout you out a million times.

      • My library probably needs to increase their fines, that place is so threadbare and sad. Also can I just add that I am a grown ass woman of reasonable (I think) intelligence and I have NO IDEA how to find anything at my library? I reserve everything online so that they will put it in a little stack with my name on it. It’s so sad.

        And aw, thanks man! *shy*

        • Ah yes, the elusive dewey decimal system… there was a time that I thought I had mastered its great secrets, then five minutes later I was lost and had no idea where I was.
          I should have figured out this whole reserving online thing…it sounds hella faster. Although, in fairness, half my fun is getting lost and finding books I didn’t mean to find.

  20. Pingback: Treats |

  21. I love that song!!
    Congrats on the award, that’s super awesome, and oh so well deserved. You’re so nice giving me a nod in there. Aw, shucks. :)
    I like that list. I miss Goosebumps and Borders, too!
    Art galleries! I have a thing for them, too. I’ve always wanted to go on a date via an art gallery. But, we won’t get into how much of a shambles my love-life has been.
    Happy Halloween, Michu!

    • Yeah, that song is super beast. I can never listen to it once, I have to replay it at least one more time.
      Thanks Ewen! You deserve all the nods bro, you’re pretty entertaining lol.
      Dude, you know what, I’ve never gone on an art gallery date either…what gives??? I think art galleries should start advertising for couples or something – that’s a fucking amazing idea.
      Dude, I wont ask if you won’t ask, lol – my life is a mess.
      Hope you had a Happy Halloween too man!

      • Yes! I could go full beast mode acapella on that track.
        You neither?? How come none of the girls interested in me have ever been the ‘art gallery date’ sort, and none of the blokes interested in you have thought of the idea?? Ridiculous! What’s wrong with the World?!
        Haha, Good. I’m not asking, ’cause I’m not telling. Well, not right here right now. Wow, if you’ve had as much (or more) mess as I, I feel for ya!

        • LOLLLL You know, you’re right. I better keep that song out of my car. For the safety of myself and others.
          >:C WE ARE CLEARLY INTERESTED IN THE WRONG KINDS OF PEOPLE. Let’s start the art-gallery-dating-campaign. It’ll be like blind dating, but specifically at an art gallery. We’ll charge like, a dollar a date…maybe two dollars, and you just show up and we provide a date for you; which takes place at an art gallery.
          I SMELL PROFIT.

  22. Pingback: Sunshine Award | Whimsical Eclecticist

    /hurls stash of office candy in your general direction

  24. I miss Borders too! Fabulous and creative post!

  25. Thank you gorgeouss!! :D

  26. Your drawings are adorable :3
    They are a great way to help emphasise your points!
    I might steal this idea for myself in the future… :P

    Also, I love libraries!
    I get really upset though when I borrow a book that I really love and I have to take it back though.

    I mean, when I borrowed The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman, it became my favourite book.
    It’s like the kind of book that makes you so fucking happy, but unbelievably sad at the same time. I cried when I finished it just because I didn’t want it to end, and also because I knew I would have to give it back.

    Aw man.

    I used to read Goosebumps and Animorphs too! I stole them from my school library though and never brought them back… my bad.
    I loved the little flicker book animations that Animorphs used to have on the bottom left of the page. They were super cool! (I don’t remember much else about those books though). I really liked the TV show to Goosebumps also yo. I liked that, although it was primarily a horror series, the different books all had some kind of moral behind them too. I think my favourite Goosebumps one that I read was the one about the Ghost in the Mirror. I found that so damn creepy, mirrors used to creep me out in general as a kid though.

    Anyway, I love what you are doing with your blog.
    I look forward to seeing more posts by you in the future!


    • DAYUMMM thank you Bradley the novel comment, I enjoy these, lol.
      First off, thanks man. I hope you have fun with it if you decide to start doing it!

      Libraires are beast and I also have to say that returning books were the worst. Although I guess if you were stealing them, that takes away the predicament all together, lol. Yeah I watched both the goosebumps and animorph television shows. The moral of the goosebump books was never all that profound, form what I remember, lol. But the writing itself always terrified me. I hated the one where the worms were coming up from every fucking where. WTF. I also loved the Are You Afraid of the Dark television series as well.

      Again, thanks man. Hope you stick around.

  27. Pichu & Pikas! are the best! : D

  28. I’ve been a Pokefan since Red and Blue were out. It warms my heart to see your Halloween Costume.

  29. aww, you’re so awesome. i like that you miss borders. because nobody misses borders. well, besides you and aussa. cute michu.

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